Disgraced journalist Alex Regan is knocking back rum in a Caracas bar when his estranged brother Mark turns up in the same city — in the morgue.
Alex is devastated and needs answers.
But that’s not easy in ‘socialist’ Venezuela, a country in turmoil, where bodies pile up on the streets as crime soars. No one in Caracas cares about a dead gringo.
Alex and fearless reporter Gina Sanchez team up to seek the truth, and together they navigate a world of corrupt officials, crooked cops, drug dealers and spooks — and delve into the ugly side of Venezuela’s world-famous beauty industry.
The trail eventually leads Alex and Gina to a global conspiracy that threatens millions of lives. Alex and Gina take on powerful forces in a bid to derail the plot and expose a brutal injustice.
"Crackling prose, sharp descriptions and gripping action make Bad Blood a riveting thriller." Paul McNeive, author of The Manhattan Project and Poison Sky
"An intelligent thriller with a twist that will blow you away. Unputdownable!" Laurence Daren King, author of Boxy an Star, which was longlisted for the Booker Prize.
“Farrell is a smooth writer, with a talent for voice.”
Senior Editor, St. Martin's Press
An unforgettable cocktail of drugs, riots, rape, beatings, murders, and kidnappings—the unbelievable true story of years spent in a South American jail
'It won't happen to me. That’s what I thought when I got on the plane to Venezuela. But it did—I got caught.'
Caught smuggling half a million euros' worth of cocaine, Paul Keany was sexually assaulted by Venezuelan anti-drugs officers before being sentenced to eight years in the notorious Los Teques prison outside Caracas. There he was plunged into a nightmarish world of coke-fueled killings, gun battles, stabbings, extortion, and forced hunger strikes until finally, just over two years into his sentence, he gained early parole and embarked on a daring escape from South America. Aided by his extensive prison diaries, Keany reveals the true horror of life inside Los Teques: a shocking underworld behind bars where inmates pay protection money to stay alive, prostitutes do the rounds, and vast amounts of cocaine are smuggled in for cell-block bosses to sell on to prisoners for huge profits. This remarkable story is told by Keany with honesty, courage, and even humor, despite knowing that every day behind bars might have been his last.

Utterly Shocking but Insighful
"A book of profound disappointment at the treatment of humans in this world.
The story leaves you with your jaw dropping at times as it seems to be too heinous to be true.
What an absolute shower of shit of a place for people to be sent to serve out their punishment behind bars (granted they did deserve some level of punishment) but to absolutely disregard human rights to this level. Absolutely bloody disgusting!
A powerful and painful read. I'm glad Paul and most of his "gringo" buddies have managed to escape and move on with their lives."

Amazon Reviewer
"Thoroughly enjoyed this book and couldn’t put it down. Read it over three nights. He did well to survive in that prison. Well worth reading. Well written."

Amazon Reviewer

Giles Whittard
Amazon Reviewer
Diarios de una Mula
Una mezcla inolvidable de drogas, motines, violaciones, golpizas, asesinatos y secuestros — la increíble pero real historia de dos años en una prisión sudamericana.
'No me pasará a mi. Eso es lo que pensé cuando me subí al avión rumbo a Venezuela. Pero pasó — me atraparon.'
Luego de ser atrapado intentando contrabandear cocaína por el valor de medio millón de euros, Paul Keany fue violado por policías antinarcóticos venezolanos y luego sentenciado a ochos años en la famosa prisión de Los Teques, en las afueras de Caracas. Allí se sumergió en un mundo pesadillesco de asesinatos, tiroteos, apuñalamientos, extorsión y huelgas de hambre forzadas, todo bajo el influjo de la coca, hasta que finalmente, luego de haber cumplido dos años de su sentencia, logró la libertad condicional y se aventuró en una audaz fuga. Con la ayuda de los extensos diarios que escribió mientras estaba en prisión, Keany revela el verdadero horror que es la vida dentro de Los Teques: un estremecedor bajo mundo tras las rejas en el cual los presos deben pagar dinero para mantenerse vivos, abundan las prostitutas y se contrabandean grandes cantidades de cocaína que los jefes de los pabellones venden a los presos con grandes márgenes de ganancia. Keany cuenta esta extraordinaria historia con honestidad, valentía y hasta humor, aún sabiendo que cada día detrás de las rejas puede ser el último.